Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby Almost Out Of The Oven

Ok well this is the first blog on "Who Cares?" by me Ryan Walker.  I'm going to need you to know as you read this there may be things that you have told me that i think was very stupid and this is my way of telling you.  

The 5th member of my family is probably going to arrive tomorrow the 23rd because we have to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning which is not a very good time for me.  Way too early.  Brooke and I are very excited about the arrival of our daughter Landri Olive.  The dogs know something's going on but not real sure about this bright pink room that we aren't using.  It should be an interesting first few days getting the dogs acquainted to Landri because they have had run of the house for so long.  

Enough with all that let's talk about things people don't need to say or ask to expecting parents.  Those of you who have children have been asked or told these things before and I'm sure that when it was said, you said to yourself "I'll never say that to someone."  Guess what, you are the people that are telling this to us.  

"Are you excited?"  Well of course not it's only one of the biggest things that will ever happen in your life.

"Oh I can't wait this will change your life forever."  No really I thought everything would be the same.  Did you really think I didn't know adding another life dependent on me would change my life?  I mean really we know this it's something I'm sure people think about before trying to have a child.  So let's do everyone and favor and let this one go.

"Once that baby gets here you know you won't get much sleep." Really never thought about that at all.  I've never heard of a baby coming home and not needing to eat or wake up crying in the middle of the night.  Again something expecting parents know is going to happen before the baby gets here.  

"You better sleep now because you'll need it when the baby gets here."  HMMMM... Banking sleep, didn't know this was possible.  We are talking about sleep not saving up for retirement.  

"So that's what your naming the baby?"  This question is followed by a confused look on the person face.  If someone tells you this is going to be the name of their child don't look at them like it's the worst thing you've ever heard.  If you think it's a bad name keep it to yourself because we obviously liked it or we wouldn't have given her the name to last the rest of her life. 

"Oh that little girl will have you wrapped around her finger." This is one of my favorites.  I like this because what do you think I'm going to do, ignore her.  I would hope that every father would want to be wrapped around their daughter's finger.  It's my job to make sure that we are extremely close her entire life.  I personally want this to happen.

There have been so many other obvious things that people say to expecting parents that we could all do without.  So next time your sitting there and you find out that the person you are talking to is expecting don't use these.  A simple congrats will do, or that's great I'm so happy for you.   


  1. I just laughed for a good 5 minutes. That is hilarious. Oh and Britney and I were talking and we hope you're in bed right now because you won't get any sleep after tomorrow! haha kidding! LOVE YOU! Good luck tomorrow! :)

  2. you are quite the writer...i read them backwards, but still think they are funny. i think we seasoned parents think we have to tell you what to expect. you know, as a service to the new parent! I had no idea how very tired I would be, and wish someone would have told me that! I will never tell you another thing for fear of you blogging ab out it. Enjoy your time with landri!

  3. Ryan - I enjoyed your blog and look forward to more of your comments about your life with Landri. You never knew what true love is until you hold your own wee one. Enjoy her and be blessed. Trish
