No matter how great you think Michael Jackson was you cannot honestly believe that he was innocent on his child molestation charges. In 1993 he was accused of molesting a 13 year old young man. Michael got out these charges when an undisclosed amount of money that was estimated to be somewhere between 15 to 20 million was given to the boy and his family. After the settlement the boy refused to testify of any criminal charges and Michael. If he's innocent then why in the world to he pay a settlement to this boy and his family? I'm no expert but most would try to avoid a settlement if they're innocent. 15 to 20 million is a ton of cash and I wouldn't think that you would pay someone this much if you hadn't done anything wrong but this amount of money could also make someone forget a lot of bad things.
In 2005 Michael was tried on his second charges of child molestation and was acquitted on all charges. I've heard people say that he was never convicted of being a child molester so you can't say he ever did it. Well of course they found him innocent the people on the jury are these same people that found OJ Simpson innocent. This was the typical stupid people putting celebrities above the law. Rather then listening to what happened in the case they were focused on clearing the name of their perverted child hood hero. In December of 2004 in an interview with CBS Ed Bradley Michael said that even though he had these charges pending against him he still thought it was ok to sleep in the same bed with a child. Again I'm not sure how dumb people are but what grown man in his right mind would think it was ok to sleep in the same bed as a child.
Now that Michael has past away he has left Los Angeles with a debt of $1.4 million. Why in the world do they have this huge unexpected new debt? Well because we as Americans worship the ground this pedophile walked on. All these people crying and everything of someone they have never even met. I don't understand it at all. At the funeral several celebrities stood up and told how Michael impacted them. Magic Johnson whom I have always like but he said "Michael made me a better point guard." I'm no professional athlete but how in the world did Michael Jackson make one of the all time great basketball players ever a better player. Magic I'm sure you could have come up with a better compliment then he made me a better basketball player. Then Kobe gets up saying how much Michael impacted him. Don't know if you know this but Kobe is 30 and that means he would have been like 8 or 9 when Michael was in his prime. So Kobe he didn't motivate you to do anything so shut up. Miley Cyrus said Michael was a huge motivator for her success. Miley is 16 she wasn't even born in Michael's prime.
I say that the only right thing that Michael Jackson's family could is take his money and pay for this ridiculous funeral. Michael's net worth is over $200 million so they will have plenty of money left over to donate to a charity that helps children who have been sexually abused. That's the only thing that would be right to do with some one's money who has obviously hurt some many children at his Neverland Ranch. I'm truly embarrassed that Americans have put this much trouble into celebrating a child molester. Instead of saying how great he is just thank the lord he was never around your child.
I'm sure this will offend someone but you might be one of these people who should be thankful that your child was never in the position that these other children were, and I hope and pray that this will never happen to you or anyone you know.