Thursday, May 14, 2009

Annoying People

This is probably one of the worst things that happens in a persons life.  You are sitting somewhere that you can't get away from and here comes one of those people that you want to run when you see heading you way.  You stomach drops around your ankles and you realize that your day has just hit rock bottom.  It happens to everyone it's the one part of your life that cannot be avoided in any way shape or form.

Just the other day I was sitting in my office and in walks someone that I would have like to have walked out the back door seeing them coming and I couldn't get away.  Then this person just sits down and there you are no where to go at all.  Then starts this great conversation, "how's everything going with you?"  You give and answer and then you have to act like you really want to know what they have been up to and how they are doing.  But you really don't care.  So you just start looking around while the conversation is going on wondering if something or someone is going to save you.  One great thing about this is the awkward silence that comes between the insincere questioning.  Sometimes I think people know that you don't really want to talk to them but they come in and trap you just to torture you.  

The best thing about being out and mobile and seeing someone that you would like to avoid you get the opportunity to run and hide.  I know that everyone has been in a grocery store and seen this annoying person down aisle and you turn and go the other way as fast as you can.  I personally have quit grocery shopping to avoid having to talk to someone.  Or maybe you have pulled into a parking lot and seen this persons car and not gone into that place.  I know you have because I know I have.  

I got one friend that has the ability to run into these people when he goes out of town.  It doesn't matter how far away he travels from his home these people find him.  He goes to Charlotte and runs into people from college that you hoped to never see again.  How in the world do you hope to never see someone again and then manage to run into them years later in random places.  Being out of town and running into these people is the worst because now you are in uncharted territory and you don't know your way out.  Nothing sucks more then try to run and not knowing where to run to.  This is when you turn to run and realize you don't know where to run. So all you can do at this point is turn and face these heart felt generic questions.

My advice for this is make a template on your cell phone that you can text someone simply saying "call me."  Then your out is "oh, I really have to take this call."  You take the call and just begin to ramble and hope that the annoying person loses interest in you or has to get somewhere and you have created your freedom.  If you are of these annoying people and you notice awkward silence with someone and find them looking around like they are trying to find an escape route, do us all a favor and take a hint and say " well it was so nice to see you I got to run."  Trust me this would do us all a huge service.  Oh and incase you are wondering if you are one of these people the answer to that is yes.  We are all someone's annoying person, you just might not realize that you could be that annoying person.  

1 comment:

  1. I like the template idea, that is a good one. If you get something set up let me know because I could use it.
